( ... and other similar things )

american girl glamour vintage jeans
iran fashion style 1970s
USA 1974 - American style
IRN 1970s - Iranian style
london 1973 english fashion style
donna summer 1970s
UK 1973 - English style
USA 70s - Donna Summer - wikipedia
joan collins 1970s vintage
joan collins leather pants
USA 1971 - Joan Collins - wikipedia
USA 1971 - Joan Collins
amanda lear fashion 1968
joe frazier america style 1973
FR 1968 - Amanda Lear - wikipedia
USA 1973 - Joe Frazier - wikipedia
linda lovelace ascot 1970s
american strange glamour style
Ascot 1974 - Linda Lovelace - wikipedia
USA 1969 - Funny fashion
sixties sexy look vintage
seventies nude look style
FR 1966 - Christian Dior model
FR 1974 - Transparency
1965 - Male fashion
UK 1967 - Lurex fashion
mary quant fashion models
pierre cardin fashion
UK 1975 - Mary Quant models
FR 1969 - Pierre Cardin models
christian dior 1969
years 1970s minidress boots
FR 1969 - Christian Dior models
UK 1970s
France 1967
Italy 1972
pant skirt fashion 60s coulotte
street skating fashion 70s
UK 1968 - Coulotte
USA 1970 - Skating fashion
UK 1970 - Ancient Roman style
USA 1971 - Seminoles style
joanna lumley suspenders
marilyn monroe costume 70s
UK 1976 - Joanna Lumley  ► FOTO
USA 1975 - Marilyn Monroe ?
UK 1969 - Union Jack
UK 1969 - Union Jack
union jack flag 1969
union jack flag sixties girl
UK 1969 - Union Jack bikini
FR 1968 - Sexy bikini

film blow-up fashion models
UK 1966 - Film "BLOW-UP"  ► VIDEO
Peggy Moffitt
Margaret Anne "Peggy" Moffitt

American model and actress , was a style icon of the sixties .
During the 1960s, she worked very closely with fashion designer Rudi Gernreich , and developed a signature style that featured heavy makeup and an asymmetrical hair cut .

more informations ► Wikipedia

In 1967, Peggy Moffitt completed "Basic Black" , considered one of the first fashion videos ever made .   The video won several awards, and is now part of the Museum of Modern Art collection .

" Basic Black "  ► VIDEO
peggy moffitt fashion model
Peggy Moffitt  ► FOTO

london sixties fashion
UK 1969 - Outside a boutique in Chelsea ( London )

A curiosity : Reflected on the shop window , you can see the face of a very well-known fashion model in those years , Amanda Lear .   She is also known for being Salvador Dali's closest friend and muse .

Una curiosita' : Riflesso sulla vetrina del negozio si puo' vedere il viso di una modella molto conosciuta in quegli anni , Amanda Lear .   Lear era anche nota per essere intima amica e musa ispiratrice di Salvador Dalì .
modelle inglesi londra
UK 1969 - British models on the march
